Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Weather or Not

Yes, I'm aware that the word is normally "whether" not "weather" whenst being used in the context of the title of this blog, but I suspect most people in this area will agree that "weather" is more apropos.  After my last blog I said to myself that I was not going to write about the weather anymore...then came this ice storm which is part of one of the largest winter storms ever to hit the US.  And so, since I am a weather aficionado (which is one college course from a Meteorologist) I feel compelled to continue to talk about the weather.  Meteorologist...shouldn't that be the study of meteors?  Speaking of meteors, if athletes get athletes foot what do astronauts get?  Mistletoe.  Look, give me a break, I'm home sick today.

Okay, let me get this out of the way right now...remember when I said it was my fault that the winter is as bad as it is because I didn't buy a snow blower?  My sources tell me that this isn't the case.  It is because a bunch of little kids prayed to have some snow days off.  So you must not blame me anymore.  However, this does not mean that you can't still contribute to the "Let's End Winter And Give Money To Tom So He Can Buy A Snow Blower" fund - the still non-profit fund as there are still no profits in it! 

Many people are beginning to give up with this winter weather.  Even vehicles are giving up.  I looked outside this morning and both of our vehicles had their windshield wipers raised in the air...for those of you that don't know, this is a vehicle's sign that they have given up. It's kind of like you raising your arms in the air during a bank robbery.  Unless of course YOU are the one robbing the bank in which case your arms should not be in the air.  If you weren't aware of this then you should not be robbing banks.  May I suggest taking up a different politics.  Oh yea, never mind, basically the same line of business isn't it?

Let's take a look at the long range forecast.  Since today is Groundhog Day (what other rodent has its own day?), according to Punxsutawney Phil who is the world's leading prognosticator of all things weather, we should all be getting out our swim gear because Spring is right around the corner.  Of course there is never any mention of where "the corner" is; probably somewhere far away.  I'm fairly certain that "the corner" is a location on another planet, like Jupiter or Uranus...okay, maybe not on Uranus --- Bwahahahahahahahaha!!!!!  Sorry, couldn't resist.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to outside to go tell my vehicles that everything will be all right.


  1. MORE Please!!! This ended to abruptly and I need MORE laughter!

  2. sorry i will put later

  3. This is my favorite so far. I think I said that for the last blog to but, since you never saw it because I didn't post correctly I'm going with this as my most favorite. After reading your blog I was looking out my office window and looked down at the parked cars and saw everyone had their windshield wipers up and all I could think of was they were all applauding your blog...Great job! Keep them coming..
