Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

Quick quiz...does England have a 4th of July?  Answer: yes, the day after the 3rd and the day before the 5th.  They're just not into the celebration aspect of the day, if you catch my drift.

July 4, 1776 - Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, one of the two most amazing documents ever to be written by a group of individuals, the other being the US Constitution.  The men that drew up the Declaration of Independence and later signed the document pledged their "lives, fortunes and sacred honor" in agreeing to break away from English rule.  Many of the 56 signers lost everything, and these were for the most part wealthy men.  Even knowing that to sign the document was treason in the eyes of the British, with the punishment being death by hanging, not one of these men went back on their word.  These were not crazy men but rather very sober in their thoughts of how a people should be governed.  Nine of these men died during the war that ensued.

A lot has changed in the 240 years since the original "July 4th" but some things remain the same.  We are still a free people thanks in no small part to the men and women of our military who continue to protect us "against all enemies, foreign and domestic".  Just as the signers of the Declaration of Independence pledged their lives to the cause of freedom so to do the members of our military, and we owe them a huge debt of gratitude.

Our republic is still run by a government with a genius system of checks and balances.  My only concern about the government is that the size and scope of it has gotten way out of hand.  Even though it is still the best system in the world, if government does not reign in the spending there could come a day when we will tell our children and grandchildren how it used to be here in America, something that I for one refuse to let happen.  I also see our freedoms slowly eroding away, one by one.  In order to be a truly independent people we need to be free of over-taxation.  We need to revert back to a government that does not intrude in every aspect of our lives, and one that ultimately is not in debt to the tune of over $154,000 per taxpayer in the United States.  This can be done in a number of ways, not the least of which is through the voting booth.  I know We The People can do that.

The summer is my favorite time of the year and the 4th of July holiday is one of my favorite holidays. Not to mention that July is my birthday month.  Yes, much to the chagrin of a few people I do indeed have a birthday month!

So here's wishing everyone a Happy Independence Day.  And if for some reason you're not in a very patriotic mood, listen to Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the U.S.A."  What a song!  Okay, so fire up the barbecue and eat up, America, because July 4th is hereby designated as a "Calorie-Free Day"!  God Bless the USA.

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