Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring? Not Quite yet...

Springtime in New England.  This is the time of  year where I begin to wonder if the warmer temperatures will ever find their way back to New England.  As you probably know, I am not a fan of winter.  I would be perfectly happy with three seasons, spring, summer and fall.  Actually just summer would be fine with me.  I'm always amazed at people who like winter.  People that live up north by the Canadian border must love winter.  They live where, speaking of three seasons, they only have two seasons; winter and the Fourth of July.  Don't ask me why I still live in Eastern Connecticut...I know it's not because of the winter!

I have a wood stove and I just ordered what I hope is my last load of firewood.  It is sitting outside my basement door in the driveway like a life size Jenga game.  You know, that game that you stack the wooden pieces up and then try to remove a piece without toppling the pile?  That's what I attempt to do every time I go to bring wood into the house.  I take about 8 pieces in at a time, and dodge the wood that is falling at (or on) my feet at about 132 MPH.  I'm normally quite good at it - after all, I've had over 30 years of practice, and relatively few broken bones to show for it.  If you ever hear of a life size Jenga tournament let me know.

Everyone is good at something and, speaking of games, I LOVE Whack-A-Mole.  This has nothing to do with winter, other than the fact that you cannot normally play this game in the winter as it is a game that is most often found at an outdoor carnival.  After winning the game thousands of times (give or take) people have come up to me to ask "what's your secret?"  My reply?  Just think of the moles as someone you are not very fond of, and whack away.  That's not what I do, but it's fun watching them walk away formulating the list of  potential "victims" in their heads.  Losers.  Did I say that out loud?

There is a light at the end of the winter tunnel. This week had one of my favorite holidays - Opening Day of Baseball, so summer can't be too far behind.  And all is right with the world because the Red Sox beat the Yankees.  (Baseball fans with opposing viewpoints can write their own blog.)  At least the Sox won't go 0-162 this year.  After the last two seasons one never knows.

So hang in there folks, soon you will be whining about the humidity and heat.  But not me, I do my best whining in the THERE'S a reason to be glad winter is coming to an end!