Thursday, November 7, 2013

Leaves, Sleep, and the Boston Red Sox

Unless you just crawled out from under a rock you have probably heard that the Boston Red Sox won the World Series and are now the World Champions! Okay, technically they are not "World" Champions - the official title is "World Series Champions", however for the purposes of this blog the Red Sox are the World with it! 

By now you may have also heard some of the story lines of their victory: their beards, their clubhouse comradery, and the fact that last year they came in dead last and this year they won it all, better known as Worst to First! However, you haven't heard it from me, so here goes. (But first a note to my New York Yankee friends - do you know what the "NY" on your hats stands for? Not Yet. Just thought I would throw that one in...and no, I don't want to talk about how many world series titles each team has because, frankly, it's not relevant to our conversation today. However, feel free to write your own blog and I'll be happy to read all about it!) 

This victory was sweet this year for many reasons, not the least of which is that we have suffered through two horrific years of fried chicken, beer and Bobby Valentine! If you aren't a Sox fan you probably have no idea what I am talking about, but suffice it to say that it wasn't pretty. This year all we had to put up with were some beards that looked, well, for the most part, just a bit shabby. A small price to pay to become World Champions. 

So why the title "Leaves, Sleep and the Boston Red Sox"? It is simply a matter of priorities. It isn't every year that the Red Sox get into the playoffs or the World Series, but every October the leaves fall and need to be raked up. Therefore, leaves keep (kinda like dust) so they will still be there in November. And I figure who needs sleep in October? November was made for that too. So feel free to stop by our house at any time and you may be lucky enough to spot me in the front yard, leaning on my rake fast asleep, in my Red Sox Champions of the Universe tee shirt. Hey, it could be you know of any other planet that has a better baseball team? Not this year, baby! And even if there is baseball on other planets, is there another team that could win it all? How can I best put this...NY!