Friday, December 30, 2011


New Year's resolutions.  We all know someone that has resolved to do or not to do something for the new year...maybe it is you.  Have you noticed that most of the time those resolutions go by the boards in the days or weeks that follow January 1st?  Not to worry, my friends, I am here to help.  That alone will make at least some of you leery to make any resolutions.  (There, I said it before you had the chance to.  If your New Year's resolution is to stop offending people, I just gave you a running start!)

For those of you who have never made a New Year's resolution, you have to at least try it.  Why should the rest of us be miserable when you too can join our ranks?  C'mon, you can never have enough failure in your life, right?  But this blog is about exactly the opposite - it is about overcoming the fears and anxieties of making resolutions so you are successful in whatever you decide to resolve to do.  So let's give this a shot, shall we?

First of all, the resolutions that most of us make are things such as losing weight, stop smoking, get more exercise, reduce stress in your life, etc.  Most experts agree (don't you love that line "most experts agree"?  It instantly makes the person saying it sound like they know what they are talking about, or sound like they have done extensive research into the subject and found a consensus among the experts and are reporting it as the gospel truth.  Let's get it straight right now, you KNOW I don't have time to do research, so the line "most experts agree" is totally worthless.  However, because I want to make this sound like I know what I am talking about I will use it just the same...back to the blog).

Most experts agree that in order to keep a resolution you have to make it a habit, and a habit normally takes six weeks or more to develop.  Therein lies the problem.  Who has six weeks to do anything?  So what we need to do is develop a habit in, say, 10 seconds or so.  And of course I have the solution.  Ready?  STOP IT!  That's the solution...STOP IT!  When you are getting ready to reach for that 5th piece of pumpkin pie smothered in whipped cream with a caramel mocha cappuccino chaser just tell yourself STOP IT!  Mission accomplished.  When you are getting ready to light up a cigarette just STOP IT!  When you are lacing up your sneakers to go for a walk to get more exercise, just STOP IT!  Wait a minute, I just found a little flaw in my solution - guess I'll have to work on that.

What we all need to do is to come up with resolutions that we can keep.  Here's an example:  let's say your New Year's resolution is to reduce stress by taking a trip.  And let's say you have no food in your house.  The solution?  Take a trip to the grocery store which will not only take care of the food dilemma, but you will have also fulfilled your resolution to take a trip, thus giving you less stress!  See how easy this can be?  Or how about this one?  You want to resolve to save money this year, and also resolve to keep in touch with friends  more...two excellent resolutions.  Invite yourself over to a different friend's house each night, right around supper time.  Not only will your food bill dramatically decrease, you will be seeing friends just like you resolved to do! 

And let's not forget - if your resolution is to get in shape, round is a shape!

Of course the easiest way to not fail at a resolution is to not make any in the first place.  That's no fun.  I want everyone to pick at least one New Year's resolution and beginning January 1st stick to it and see what happens.  You may surprise yourself by losing weight, getting in shape, reducing your bills, etc.  Have I resolved to do anything?  Of course, what kind of person would I be if I myself did not take my own advice?  Here are a few of my resolutions:  watch more TV, eat more fried foods, double up on dessert and take more naps - at work.  Guess it's time to take my own advice...STOP IT!  Happy New Year everyone!


  1. Jim and I enjoyed this very much. Thanks for the laughs!

  2. In honor of being awesome of that I'm awarding you the Liebster Blog Award for bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers. If you'd like to accept the award, you can find instructions back at my blog, Love ya PapaK
