Wednesday, March 7, 2012

It Was All In My Head

My legal team has asked me to give you this brief disclaimer concerning this blog you are about to read: If you are squeamish about hospitals, going to the doctors, having operations, etc. you may not want to read any have been warned.  Okay, now I know I have your undivided attention because reading this is like going by the scene of an accident - no one wants to look but everyone does!

Yesterday (Monday) I had an operation to remove a polyp or two from my sinuses.  All right, more like eight kazillion of them.  The abbreviated name of the procedure is Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.  And the only reason I agreed to have this done was so that I could write this blog about the experience.  See, I love my vast audience (hee hee hee) so much that I subjected myself to having this procedure and everything associated with it.  It had nothing to do with the fact that I could no longer breathe out of my nose and that I was quickly becoming a mouth-breathing neanderthal.  Also, as I write this, I am still somewhat under the effects of the's okay though, because while the post-op directions said not to operate heavy machinery or drive until tomorrow they said nothing about writing a blog.  Of course they did mention not to make any major decisions, so as my own disclaimer I can always say I decided to write this blog while under, shall we say, a medicated state, so nothing I say can be taken seriously.  You're right, then that doesn't make this any different from any other blog I've written!

You may be amazed to know that this was not my first procedure, nor my second - try number five!  Apparently if there is one thing I do well in life it is grow polyps.  Now if I could only harness that power for good...but I digress.  When I first decided to get this done...again...I asked the doctor if he subscribed to the "Buy Four, Get One Free" deal, but alas he does not.  He did say something about needing a new 65 foot Sea Ray Yacht, but that was while I was going under the anesthesia, so I might have misunderstood may have only been 56 feet.

The procedure is done through the nose, normally.  My father in law mentioned that in other countries they do the same procedure, but through a different, shall we say, route?  He implied that rather than a surgeon one would need a proctologist, at a much discounted rate.  No thanks,  Pop, I like my doctor, boat and all!

Friday I called to find out what time to be at the hospital, and they told me 11:00 AM on Monday.  When I asked why I couldn't get an earlier time they said that there were children being operated on first.  To which I replied, "So?"  Yes, I can be an insensitive, mouth-breathing neanderthal when I want to be. They then told me I had more of a chance of getting bumped back verses moved reply?  "Okay, thank you very much." 

So I arrived at 10:50 AM and within 20 minutes was on the gurney with wires stuck to me and an IV stuck in me.  They were running ahead of schedule.  Did you catch that?  They were running AHEAD of schedule! When's the last time THAT happened in the medical field?  And no, they did not bump any kids to get me in earlier.  Apparently the kids complain less and get done quicker than the adults do...go figure.  About two hours later I was in the recovery room with my lovely wife, a bevy of nurses (or was that a nurse named Bev? still groggy) and my new polyp-less nose.

Going back in time, about 34 years ago, I had my first operation.  Back then all of the doctors must have owned stock in the Vaseline Gauze Packing industry because they found it necessary to stick six feet of packing up each nostril.  My wife took one look at me and started to laugh uncontrollably.  I don't remember laughing or even smiling...I was afraid I would break my face or something.  Luckily times have changed and they no longer do that anymore.  So my Financial Tip of the Week is to sell your Vaseline Gauze Packing stock.

Back to present day, I was actually hoping that I would have massive black eyes and things of that nature...why?  Because when someone looks at me in this condition I could say something I've always wanted to say... "Hey, you should see the OTHER guy!!!


  1. Unfortunately, you are the other guy.

    There's a lot of surgery going on in this family.

    So, can you breathe (and smell).... nose wise?

    1. Nope, not quite yet. But I'll keep you updated though!

  2. Glad to hear they haven't removed your sense of humor with those polyps. Speedy recovery!

  3. I remember you having some removed way back when Donna was babysitting for Reed and I asked you why you always sounded stuffy and you told me. I did not envy you. At least no more packing. I guess you can start growing new ones now. lol

  4. what the falafel?

  5. my few experiences with hospitals and surgeries have led me and Nonie to believe fully in the expression "Better living through chemsitry!"
    Good luck with the new nose....
