Friday, November 2, 2012

Politics R Us

Yes, 'Tis the Season.  No, not the holiday season, the political season!  Instead of holiday decorations we see political signs dotting the countryside.  And unless you are a political junkie like me it probably drives you nuts.  Actually I am getting annoyed at all of the signs especially the billboard-sized signs with life size photos of the candidates.  What's next, blimps with neon pictures hovering low enough to see the color of the pilot's eyes?  Or a small airplane with an ad banner off the back of it?  How about that same airplane with the candidate hanging off the back?  I might pay to see that!

I will not discuss actual politics in this blog.  If you are wondering which side of the fence I'm on, keep an ear   open in eastern CT on November 6th sometime after 9 PM and depending on the outcome I'll be laughing or crying.  And no doubt posting something on Facebook because, well, doesn't everybody do that?

I think the worst part of this season are the ads.  I don't think there is enough time in the day for the candidates to have done everything they are accused of doing.  The last ad I saw accused one of the candidates of the Lindbergh baby kidnapping.  The other candidate was then accused of starting World War II.  Really?  If you believe everything the ads say you would not vote for ANY of the sleazoids.  This one voted to stop Social Security and rather then sending monthly checks they suggested sending bills to senior citizens.  The other one voted to lower the minimum wage to $1.90 per hour then tax it at a 90% tax rate. AAAHHH!!!!  Enough already!

I have the cure for all of the political stuff going on...November 7th.  There should be a law (as if there aren't enough laws already, but I digress) that states that on November 7th all political signs must be taken down or you will be forced to wear a tee shirt that says "I voted for _____", whoever was not your candidate.  Kinda like wearing a Red Sox hat to Yankee Stadium...which I have done...and lived to tell about it...barely.

I mentioned this in an earlier blog (remember??? if not, your assignment is to go back and read them all), regarding the word politics.  It is made up of two words, "poli" meaning many and "tics" which are blood sucking insects.  How apropos, eh?

Get out and vote on November 6th.  Otherwise I don't want to hear you complain about politics.  So I guess there is only one thing left to say:  "This is Tom Kilcollum and I approved this blog."

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