Wednesday, January 28, 2015

"But at least it's not a heavy snow!"

The Snow.  Roughly two feet of that nasty white stuff.  Raise your hands if you love the snow.  Okay, now put your hands down so I can give you some medication, because it's obvious you need it.

Admit it, during this past storm did you actually utter the words "but at least it's not a heavy snow"?  I'll bet that if you had to shovel it you didn't say it, nor did someone say it to you if you just came back from shoveling, say, for about four hours.  It is the winter equivalent of telling someone in Scottsdale, Arizona "but it's a dry heat".  Sure, it's 115 degrees in the shade but at least it's not humid.  That makes me feel only a little less like a baked potato...which at this point would be much better than feeling like Olaf.  If you don't know who that is may I suggest asking anyone under the age of 10, then prepare to be serenaded by the song "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?".  I think Beethoven wrote the original score.

I went outside to do some shoveling (some...yea, right) but then I decided to do some exploring in my driveway to see what I could find.  It took an hour or so but I found what appear to be two automobiles.  I have decided to keep them and I have named them "Focus" and "PT Cruiser" for no apparent reason.  I believe Focus is about 10 years old and PT Cruiser is about 8.  I could tell their age by looking at their teeth - it was easier than cutting them in half and counting their rings.

Apparently some people have given up and want winter to come to a close.  Even vehicles are giving up.  I noticed around our neighborhood vehicles have their windshield wipers raised in the air.  For those of you who don't know, this is the way that a vehicle shows it has given up...happens every snowstorm.

Last year we did not get much snow.  This storm was the equalizer.  So because of that I hereby declare that there should be no more snow this year...okay, this month...okay, this week.  What's that?  There are two more storms forecast for this week?  Where's that medication I gave everyone earlier, I think I'll be needing it!

1 comment:

  1. Funny as usual!! I think I have one of those things in my driveway, there's a big lump next to my cleaned-off mini-van. I'm thinking Volkswagen and I get to keep it too, right?? I'm not looking for it's teeth, I'll call you for that. Happy shoveling to come. heh, heh.
