Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Fools

Good ole' April Fools Day.  In case you are wondering, this year it falls on April 1st.  And before I begin getting cards, letters, phone calls, faxes and emails I KNOW I didn't post this on April 1st.  However, I did begin to write this on April 1st so that still counts.  The trick in this blog is to see what is true and what may be a bit fabricated.  What better day to embellish a few stories, right?

Everyone has heard of the run of the mill April Fools jokes.  Like when we were back in school (you remember, in the one room school houses where we used to park our dinosaurs out in front before they invented horses?)  Back to the schoolhouse, where we used to put chalk inside of the erasers so that when the teacher would go to erase the board it would smear the blackboard with chalk.  Or putting a fake mouse in someone's jacket pocket.  Or putting tacks on a teacher's chair.  Back when I was in high school (I believe Thomas Jefferson was President) a couple of guys put three tacks on a teacher's chair when she was out of the room. This particular class was a study hall and there were about 50 students in there.  The teacher came back, sat down, and NOTHING!  The girls in the class were all cringing and the guys were laughing!  A few minutes later she got up, left the room again and there was only one tack left on her chair...the others were nowhere to be found.  The class erupted!  I wouldn't recommend trying this at home - maybe somewhere else though.

I used to work in a factory and we each had a locker.  I went to open mine and about 30 containers filled with water came tumbling out.  Did I get wet? Duh!  I don't remember what I actually did to get back at the perpetrator but I seem to recall it involved C-4 explosives.

Although it wasn't on April Fools day one of my co-workers had her office wrapped in pink saran wrap.  She was a very good sport about it although we are still fearing retribution.  Only kidding, Special K!

I once put a bucket over a door at work that was filled with water and an ink solution.  I wasn't expecting the plant manager to be the next one through the door in his $500 suit.   And though it missed him it did hit the floor and the wall which stained everything.  After about 8 hours of cleaning this up he had me arrested for vandalism & malicious mischief and I spent the better part of a month behind bars at a maximum security facility in South Carolina.  I thought the punishment didn't quite fit the crime but what do I know?

Last year my wife planted seeds for wild flowers in our backyard.  The next day I bought fake flowers from a local craft store and put them where she had planted the seeds.  It was a harmless joke until fake bugs came and ate the flowers.  Who would have guessed that there were fake bugs waiting to reek havoc on fake flowers?  That does, however, explain some of the hideous fake flowers seen in some window boxes.

Back in the day (my kids use that expression to make me feel know, like "hey dad, back in the day did you have indoor plumbing?") Anyway, back in the day I used to have a machine that made plastic figures like Superman and also things like spiders and other insects.  They wouldn't dream of having this type of thing now as it involved a small burner that baked liquid plastic that you poured into a mold.  Can you imagine giving that to kids now?  That would almost be as bad as allowing them to drink out of a garden hose.  But I digress... One day my father calls me from the bathroom.  "TOMMY?  GET IN HERE!"  Whoo boy, now what?  He points to the bathtub and says "is that one of yours?" pointing to a huge spider in the middle of the tub.  I said "no, not one of mine" and just then it started to crawl!  We both jumped back!  I left the room thinking "I ain't touching that baby!"  My father soon came out of the bathroom victorious.  Good job, dad!

So April 1st has come and gone and no practical jokes have been played on me...unless of course you count the air being let out of my tires, Vaseline being smeared on the car door handle, one of the spark plugs being removed and my keys being hidden.  Think my wife wants me to stay home to do housework today?  Just asking...

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