Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I always thought Spring Cleaning was an interesting term.  How do springs get dirty anyway?  And why would one want to clean them?

Spring cleaning...ain't it fun?  Shoveling out all of the stuff that was accumulated over the winter.  Actually the words "shoveling" and "winter" should not be allowed in the same sentence during the spring, summer and autumn seasons.  Winter - dislike!  Spring is a great time of year, where you can open the windows and the air from the outside doesn't immediately freeze and slam your nose shut.  Of course as the days get longer we are able to see more and more of the dirt, dust, grime, grunge, filth and crud in the house so spring cleaning is a must.  What's that?  You don't have all of that dirt in your house?  Um, me either.  But humor me.

Part of the spring cleaning ritual can be the Cleaning of the Refrigerator, better known as a Fridgnoscopy.  This is a term I totally stole from my friend Pete, who took it upon himself to do the clean out the office refrigerator!  Dr. Pete, as he called himself due to the Fridgnoscopy procedure he pioneered, found items dating as far back as 1998.  Granted, it was only a container of salt (I believe the label said Dead Sea Salt).  There were other items in there from the early 2000's which has everyone at the office baffled.  You see, the office building was built in 2005, so how did these items make it into a fridge that had only been there since 2005?  Me thinks there is more to this story than meets the eye but I am afraid to pursue it.  Suffice it to say that things that had fur, that didn't originally have fur, are now no longer polluting the fridge.  The operation was a complete success...thanks, Dr. Pete!  Now we'll see if the insurance will cover his bill.

There are two types of cleaning: voluntary and mandatory.  Most people clean voluntarily; that is, they will vacuum the house at least once a week, dust and do other maintenance-type cleaning chores.  Mandatory cleaning involves cleaning that, if you don't do it, will eventually kill you.  Well, maybe not kill you, but what it will do is give you an added benefit most people do not want - house guests of the non-domesticated four legged variety.  Here's an example of cleaning - try to guess which category it fits in.  A woman was feeling energetic one day and made a cake, frosted it, washed the kitchen windows, cleaned all of the cupboards, scrubbed the kitchen floor and walls & ceiling.  Voluntary you guess?  Wrong!  This was an example of mandatory cleaning because she forgot to turn off the mixer before taking the beaters out of the bowl.  I know no one that reads this blog has ever done that...this audience is way too intelligent to have had that happen!

Some people like to clean and then there's me.  I actually don't mind it but there are always more important things to do than to clean, which makes it easy to put off til tomorrow what could be done today.         I know that sounds like I am procrastinating but that's not the case.  I could explain more about procrastination now but I think I'll do it  later on. 

So here is a Tip of the Day for cleaning: always keep several get well cards on the mantel - if unexpected guests show up they will think you have been sick and not able to clean...problem solved.  And don't forget - if you think your refrigerator is in need of a Fridgnoscopy, Dr. Pete makes house calls!  Now if I could just get him to come over here...

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