Monday, November 16, 2015

Just Say No.

Normally when I set out to write a blog it is about things that happen in our lives that we can all find some humor in.  This is not one of those blogs.  Governor Dannel Malloy, the Governor of our State of Connecticut just made the following statement, according to Channel 3 Eyewitness News: "If refugees – many who are children fleeing a horrific, war-torn country – seek and are granted asylum after a rigorous security process, we should and will welcome them in Connecticut".

I wholeheartedly disagree with the Governor, and apparently the vast majority of the citizens of Connecticut do too.  Channel 3 did a poll to ask: Do you agree with Governor Malloy's decision to allow Syrian refugees in Connecticut?  So far a whopping 91% disagree with his decision.  So much for representing the wishes of your citizens.  As of the writing of this blog 17 governors of other states have said they will not accept refugees in their state, and the list is growing.

The Governor mentioned that many of these refugees are children, but he neglected to mention that many of them are young men who are at the age that either can or have been influenced by organizations such as ISIS, some of which I am convinced are terrorists themselves.  The number might be a small percentage but are you willing to take the chance that an ISIS cell began here in CT because our Governor was very hospitable towards a war-torn country?  I for one am not.  I do feel badly for the legitimate victims of the war, but I am not willing to surrender the future security of my family for a kind gesture that could end up backfiring, to put it mildly.

The Governor also mentioned if they (the refugees) "...are granted asylum after a rigorous security process..."  What kind of "security process" is going to occur...what kind of a vetting process will that be?  Are government workers in DC going to call Damascus and ask them for these peoples' papers?  Do you really think the government of Syria would drop everything to do this, especially since the nation is in the midst of a civil war?  My prediction?  If our government vets these people at all, and I am in no way convinced they will even make the attempt, the government of Syria will rubber stamp every one of them to expedite the process. If  I don't trust our government with this process then I certainly don't trust a government from a foreign country.

Governor Malloy, your first duty as Governor of Connecticut is to keep its citizens safe, because without that you no longer have a state.  The ramifications of what you are proposing could bring grave consequences to your citizens...have you even thought about that?  Or are you too busy shoring up your favor with the Democratic National Committee for future considerations, because that is exactly what it sounds like to me.  Just keep the party line going without any thought of what happens in the future, except of course what Cabinet position you may be appointed to if a Democrat wins the next presidential election.

I know some people will disagree with me and that's fine - that's part of what makes this country great.  That is of course until Sharia Law is enacted.  If you are not familiar with that term you had better Google it because there are some Muslims here in the United States unwilling to assimilate to our way of life, and want to impose their backwards system of laws onto us, circumventing our Constitution.  There are a few of our judges that have begun using Sharia Law as a basis for their rulings from the bench.  That is disgusting and any judge willing to do that should be impeached.  If you a citizen or looking to be a citizen of our great nation then do so the proper way and leave that portion of your life back in the country you fled. 

I promised myself this would only be a paragraph and apparently I broke my promise.  Oh well, I'm in a mood so blame it on that!  Or better yet, blame it on the Governor!


  1. Our governor is driving people and businesses out of our you think that he cares about us???? NO..only his own aspirations. That is why I voted NO to receiving refugees in our state. I too feel sorry for those that are legit and need to escape but I do not trust the process of vetting.

  2. ...not to mention the fact that Isis has said that they would infiltrate the immigrant exodus with their own radical jihad muslim terrorists, which was the case in Paris.

  3. I am with you Tom, he is absolutely NOT for the people of Connecticut. My guess is some of his wealthy Samford buddies have holdings in organizations that will eventually profit from taking in refugees.
