Sunday, January 23, 2011

Here We Snow Again!

 Like the new picture up top?  It's a photo of my car after the last big snowstorm. I went outside to shovel (with no snow blower...more on that to follow) and amazingly there in the snow on the side of my car appeared the web address of my blog!  What are the chances of that I ask you??? 

Okay, so I didn't invent the title of this blog.  I think I saw it on the Weather Channel website.  Now I ask you...have you had it?  Are you sick of winter yet?  As I type this the forecast is calling for temperatures to be below zero at night over the next few days with the coldest air that we've seen in years arriving, oh, in about 10 minutes.  And to top it all off, we're looking at another Nor'easter coming in for late Tuesday and all of Wednesday.  For those of you who aren't familiar with the term "Nor'easter" it is a wicked big storm.  A blizzard.  You know, tons of snow, wind, famine, pestilence, locusts and anything else associated with not having a good time.  And if you've read my previous blogs you are aware that it is all my fault.  Long story short, if I purchase a snow blower the weather will miraculously become sunny and in the 80's overnight.  Two problems with that; first, the cost and second, the availability.  Right now I could either get what is the equivalent of an electric broom or something so monstrous that I could probably drive it to work - the former is too small and the latter would require a mortgage to purchase it.  So the chances are are fairly good that winter will be around for a while.  It will be as if we live up in New Hampshire near the Canadian border where there are only two seasons...winter and the Fourth of July.  So get used to it.

I for one refuse to get used to it.  I've gone on the internet and purchased a dozen palm trees, sun lamps, Hawaiian shirts, and ladies in grass skirts ( I know what you're thinking - is your wife going to be one of those ladies?  She's no lady, she's my wife!  Old joke, yes, but it fits, don't you agree?)  I'm also planning on hiring a contractor to take away all of the snow that surrounds my house and another to build a retractable dome over our property.  And all this has to be done by Tuesday evening.  It could happen!

UPDATE: This just in...I actually went to Home Depot and there was only one snow blower left.  It was around $450 and it looked like a toy.  So I hate to disappoint those of you that despise winter, however if my calculations are correct winter ain't going anywhere soon.  I can't apologize enough to all of you so I won't even try!  But, to those of you that love the winter I ask three things of you; first, that you enjoy yourselves in this winter wonderland...second, that you forgo one ski trip and donate the money you save to the "Let's End Winter And Give Money To Tom So He Can Buy A Snow Blower" fund...and third, get back on your meds because you obviously have some serious issues - just sayin'.

By the way, the "Let's End Winter And Give Money To Tom So He Can Buy A Snow Blower" fund is a non-profit fund...aptly named as no one has contributed so because of that there is NO PROFIT to be had!

Enjoy the winter.  Oh, they're here...right this way ladies!

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