Sunday, January 2, 2011

Random Thoughts

You see, the nice thing about a blog called Random Thoughts is that you can ramble on with absurdities and it doesn't matter, because the blog, once again for those of you who have fallen asleep, is called Random Thoughts.  No pressure to come up with a theme (although I will sometimes), just have to jot down a few things and leave it at that.

A bit about myself - I was born in 1750 (lie) so I can honestly (lie) comment on virtually anything that has happened over the past 260 plus years.  And since you can't argue with experience, I can be fairly certain that no one else alive today can have the incite that I can give seeing as how I'm 260 years old (lie).  By the way, ignore the "(lie)" thing that keeps coming up...I know there is a button here to shut that function off but I 
can't locate it (lie).

I plan on commenting on everything from bathrooms (which will require a full page blog) to traffic signs to drivers that don't have any business being on the roads.  For example, I would love to come up with a neon blinking sign that you hang on your vehicle's back window that when lit says "SHUT OFF YOUR HIGH BEAMS YOU MORON!" which of course would be sold with its companion sign "ONLY KIDDING, PLEASE PUT AWAY THE GUN" - but I digress...

Maybe tomorrow will be Bathroom Day.  It might be appropriate since most of us were off for a long weekend and it is the Monday-After-A-Holiday-Weekend which is never good...unless you really love your job. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh, sorry, got carried away there.  So we'll see you tomorrow, or whenever I do the next blog.  Let's see, how to end this...hmmmm.

The End.


  1. I, for one, can't wait for Bathroom Day.

    That was really good.

  3. Is "I just can't stop laughing!" comment enough!?

  4. The show on CBS $&@! My dad said started out as a blog. So who knows where this could end up(see batthroom day most likley).

  5. I like the driver ideas! There is a lot you can say about stupid drivers.

  6. Even though I think you have some issues you need to deal with I can't wait for you to write about the all time great baseball team. Goooooo Bombers!
