Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lunar Eclipse

We recently had a Lunar Eclipse here in the northeast and I was able to take some photos.  Amazingly enough, during the height of the eclipse, I was able to capture the above picture.  And it was taken with only a zoom lens on a hand-held Nikon digital camera.  I am currently having it authenticated by two of the most important entities known to man: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and my wife.  At least I  have a chance with one of them...yup, can't wait to hear back from NASA.

I for one was thrilled when I took this photo - what are the chances of catching a real live martian?  And I'm sure most of you are assuming this photo came from the moon...silly rabbits!  This was a picture of Mars, thus the martian. Otherwise it would have been a picture of a moontian, and who has ever heard of a moontian?  I hate to brag but no one else out there but me knows that only during a total lunar eclipse can one take a clear picture of Mars with a hand-held zoom lens Nikon digital camera.  And what an incredible coincidence to catch a glimpse of a martian!  How Serendipitous!  (For those of you that are "globally challenged" - a term coined by my wife by the way - Serendipitous is the name of the moon that orbits Mars...take my word for it, DON'T LOOK IT UP!)  So a bit of Mars education there, free of charge.

I can tell many of you out there are still unbelievers.  You want answers?  You think you're entitled?  You want ANSWERS? You want THE TRUTH?  YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!! Whew, sorry, I got a bit carried away there.  If you ARE looking for proof look no further than the ultimate authority on the subject of martians, Bugs Bunny.

I hear Mars is also a candy bar.  And the only way a moon can orbit a Mars candy bar is, well, if someone were to drop their pants and...oh, never mind.


  1. So TK, I wonder what the outcome would be if one ate a Milky Way!!?

  2. You should take a couple of days off and gather your thoughts!

  3. serendipitous - lucky in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries
    lucky - having or bringing good fortune; "my lucky day"; "a lucky man"
    Bugs Bunny sent you a message: 'BITE ME'
